What is lp.playerpage133.info? What it can do on your computer?
Do you know more about lp.playerpage133.info? What is it? It is classified as an adware or potentially unwanted program which is designed by cyber hackers to increase web traffic and generate profit from it. How can it do that? To achieve its purpose, it will always pop up a window to recommend fake updates like fake media player update or other software update so that the adware publisher can generate pay-per-click revenue. And you can see the pop-up message like below:
“Please update your software
Please update your media downloader in order to watch online video
Updating takes under a minute – no restart is required”
However, it is not the real update message,If you did click “ok” button to remind you to install the update. If you agree with that, more malware will get into your computer with your permission., if you don’t believe it and would to like to click ”cancel” button, however, this fake update still exist on your computer and cannot be removed easily.